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0000OOOO0000 4 years ago
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  1. 164


@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import bpy
import math
import random
from mathutils import Matrix
from mathutils import Vector
from . import cfg
def at_random_fill(min, max):
first = random.uniform(min, max)
second = random.uniform(min, max)
if first <= second:
return(first, second)
return(second, first)
def at_random(seed, totalc, totalr, mint, maxt, mins, maxs, minr, maxr, btr, bsc, brot, uniform,
tr1, tr2, sc1, sc2, r1, r2, pivot, varia, valign):
"""Random function for translation, scale and rotation,
seed : seed for random
totalc : number of elements in column
totalr : number of elements in row
mint : minimum for translation
maxt : maximum for translation
mins : minimum for scale
maxs : maximum for scale
minr : minimum for rotation
maxr : maximun for rotation
btr : (boolean) use translation or not
bsc : (boolean) use scale or not
brot : (boolean) use rotation or not
uniform : (boolean) use uniform scale or not
tr1 : translation offset of the column
tr2 : translation offset of the row
sc1 : scale offset of the column
sc2 : scale offset of the row
r1 : rotation offset of the column
r2 : rotation offset of the row
pivot : pivot
varia : variation of rows
valign : Vector of align of rows
tr, sc, rot = [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]
xyz_vec = (x_axis(), y_axis(), z_axis())
ref_name = cfg.atools_objs[0][0]
for j in range(totalr):
for k in range(totalc + j*varia):
elem_name = cfg.atools_objs[j][k]
if elem_name == ref_name:
elem =[elem_name]
for i in range(3):
tr[i] = random.uniform(mint[i], maxt[i])
sc[i] = random.uniform(mins[i]/100, maxs[i]/100)
rot[i] = random.uniform(minr[i], maxr[i])
if uniform:
sc[0] = sc[1] = sc[2]
mt = Matrix.Translation(tr)
ms = Matrix.Scale(sc[0], 4, (1, 0, 0)) @ Matrix.Scale(sc[1], 4, (0, 1, 0)) @ Matrix.Scale(sc[2], 4, (0, 0, 1))
mr = Matrix.Rotation(rot[0], 4, (1, 0, 0)) @ Matrix.Rotation(rot[1], 4, (0, 1, 0)) @ Matrix.Rotation(rot[2], 4, (0, 0, 1))
# recalculate the position...
vt, vs, vr = tsr(cfg.ref_mtx, k, j, tr1, tr2, sc1, sc2, Vector(r1), Vector(r2), valign)
if pivot is not None:
emat = at_all_in_one(cfg.ref_mtx, vr, xyz_vec, vt, vs, pivot.location)
emat = at_all_in_one(cfg.ref_mtx, vr, xyz_vec, vt, vs, cfg.ref_mtx.translation)
elem.matrix_world = emat
if btr:
elem.matrix_world @= mt
if bsc:
elem.matrix_world @= ms
if brot:
elem.matrix_world @= mr
def x_axis():
"""Get the x axis"""
return Vector((1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
def y_axis():
"""Get the y axis"""
return Vector((0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
def z_axis():
"""Get the z axis"""
return Vector((0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
def xyz_axis():
"""Get the xyz axis"""
return Vector((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
def at_all_in_one(ref, angle, vecxyz, vec_tr, vec_sc, pivot):
"""Return the matrix of transformations"""
# Matrix is composed by location @ rotation @ scale
loc_ref, rot_ref, sc_ref = ref.decompose()
# ref_location =[cfg.atools_objs[0][0]].location
loc_ma = Matrix.Translation(loc_ref)
rot_ma = rot_ref.to_matrix().to_4x4()
sc_ma = Matrix.Scale(sc_ref[0], 4, (1, 0, 0)) @ Matrix.Scale(sc_ref[1], 4, (0, 1, 0)) @ Matrix.Scale(sc_ref[2], 4, (0, 0, 1))
mt = Matrix.Translation(pivot - loc_ref)
mr = Matrix.Rotation(angle[0], 4, vecxyz[0]) @ Matrix.Rotation(angle[1], 4, vecxyz[1]) @ Matrix.Rotation(angle[2], 4, vecxyz[2])
mra = mt @ mr @ mt.inverted()
trm = Matrix.Translation(vec_tr)
scm = Matrix.Scale(vec_sc[0], 4, (1, 0, 0)) @ Matrix.Scale(vec_sc[1], 4, (0, 1, 0)) @ Matrix.Scale(vec_sc[2], 4, (0, 0, 1))
if pivot == loc_ref:
mw = loc_ma @ rot_ma @ trm @ scm @ sc_ma @ mr
mw = loc_ma @ mra @ rot_ma @ trm @ scm @ sc_ma
return mw
def fill_rotation(context):
prop = context.scene.arraytools_prop
offset = prop.rot_offset
for i in range(3):
if offset[i] == 0.0:
prop.rot_min[i], prop.rot_max[i] = at_random_fill(-math.pi, math.pi)
prop.rot_min[i], prop.rot_max[i] = at_random_fill(-offset[i]*2, offset[i]*2)
def sum_serie(n, factor):
"""Return the sum of the serie 1+2+3+4+...+n
with a factor
return ((n * (n - 1)) / 2) * factor
# (T)ranslate (S)cale (R)otation vector
def tsr(mat, col, row, tcol, trow, scol, srow, rcol, rrow, ralign):
"""Retrieve the translation, scale and rotation vector according
to the position in the array
mat : matrix of the reference object
col : position in column
row : position in row
tcol : translate offset in column
trow : translate offset in row
scol : scale offset in column
srow : scale offset in row
rcol : rotation offset in column
rrow : rotation offset in row
ralign : row align
translate = col * tcol + row * trow + row * ralign
rotate = col * Vector(rcol) + row * Vector(rrow)
s1 = col * (mat.to_scale() - (scol/100))
s2 = row * (mat.to_scale() - (srow/100))
scale = xyz_axis() - s1 - s2
return translate, scale, rotate