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#!BPY |
bl_info = { |
"name": "Solidify Wireframe", |
"author": "Yorik van Havre, Alejandro Sierra, Howard Trickey", |
"description": "Turns the selected edges of a mesh into solid geometry", |
"version": (2, 3), |
"blender": (2, 5, 8), |
"category": "Mesh", |
"location": "Mesh > Solidify Wireframe", |
"warning": '', |
"wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.5/Py/Scripts/Modeling/Solidify_Wireframe", |
"tracker_url": "http://projects.blender.org/tracker/?func=detail&group_id=153&aid=26997&atid=467", |
} |
# |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License |
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 |
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
# |
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
# GNU General Public License for more details. |
# |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, |
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. |
# |
# ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK ***** |
import bpy, mathutils |
cube_faces = [ [0,3,2,1], [5,6,7,4], [0,1,5,4], |
[7,6,2,3], [2,6,5,1], [0,4,7,3] ] |
cube_normals = [ mathutils.Vector((0,0,-1)), |
mathutils.Vector((0,0,1)), |
mathutils.Vector((0,-1,0)), |
mathutils.Vector((0,1,0)), |
mathutils.Vector((1,0,0)), |
mathutils.Vector((-1,0,0)) ] |
def create_cube(me, v, d): |
x = v.co.x |
y = v.co.y |
z = v.co.z |
coords=[ [x-d,y-d,z-d], [x+d,y-d,z-d], [x+d,y+d,z-d], [x-d,y+d,z-d], |
[x-d,y-d,z+d], [x+d,y-d,z+d], [x+d,y+d,z+d], [x-d,y+d,z+d] ] |
for coord in coords: |
me.vertices.add(1) |
me.vertices[-1].co = mathutils.Vector(coord) |
def norm_dot(e, k, fnorm, me): |
v = me.vertices[e[1]].co - me.vertices[e[0]].co |
if k == 1: |
v = -v |
v.normalize() |
return v * fnorm |
def fill_cube_face(me, index, f): |
return [index + cube_faces[f][i] for i in range(4)] |
# Coords of jth point of face f in cube instance i |
def cube_face_v(me, f, i, j): |
return me.vertices[i + cube_faces[f][j]].co |
def cube_face_center(me, f, i): |
return 0.5 * (cube_face_v(me, f, i, 0) + \ |
cube_face_v(me, f, i, 2)) |
# Return distance between points on two faces when |
# each point is projected onto the plane that goes through |
# the face center and is perpendicular to the line |
# through the face centers. |
def projected_dist(me, i1, i2, f1, f2, j1, j2): |
f1center = cube_face_center(me, f1, i1) |
f2center = cube_face_center(me, f2, i2) |
axis_norm = (f2center - f1center).normalized() |
v1 = cube_face_v(me, f1, i1, j1) |
v2 = cube_face_v(me, f2, i2, j2) |
v1proj = v1 - (axis_norm * (v1 - f1center)) * axis_norm |
v2proj = v2 - (axis_norm * (v2 - f2center)) * axis_norm |
return (v2proj - v1proj).length |
def skin_edges(me, i1, i2, f1, f2): |
# Connect verts starting at i1 forming cube face f1 |
# to those starting at i2 forming cube face f2. |
# Need to find best alignment to avoid a twist. |
shortest_length = 1e6 |
f2_start_index = 0 |
for i in range(4): |
x = projected_dist(me, i1, i2, f1, f2, 0, i) |
if x < shortest_length: |
shortest_length = x |
f2_start_index = i |
ans = [] |
j = f2_start_index |
for i in range(4): |
fdata = [i1 + cube_faces[f1][i], |
i2 + cube_faces[f2][j], |
i2 + cube_faces[f2][(j + 1) % 4], |
i1 + cube_faces[f1][(i - 1) % 4]] |
if fdata[3] == 0: |
fdata = [fdata[3]] + fdata[0:3] |
ans.extend(fdata) |
j = (j - 1) % 4 |
return ans |
# Return map: v -> list of length len(node_normals) where |
# each element of the list is either None (no assignment) |
# or ((v0, v1), 0 or 1) giving an edge and direction that face is assigned to. |
def find_assignment(me, edges, vert_edges, node_normals): |
nf = len(node_normals) |
feasible = {} |
for e in edges: |
for k in (0, 1): |
fds = [(f, norm_dot(e, k, node_normals[f], me)) for f in range(nf)] |
feasible[(e, k)] = [fd for fd in fds if fd[1] > 0.01] |
assignment = {} |
for v, ves in vert_edges.items(): |
assignment[v] = best_assignment(ves, feasible, nf) |
return assignment |
def best_assignment(ves, feasible, nf): |
apartial = [ None ] * nf |
return best_assign_help(ves, feasible, apartial, 0.0)[0] |
def best_assign_help(ves, feasible, apartial, sumpartial): |
if len(ves) == 0: |
return (apartial, sumpartial) |
else: |
ek0 = ves[0] |
vesrest = ves[1:] |
feas = feasible[ek0] |
bestsum = 0 |
besta = None |
for (f, d) in feas: |
if apartial[f] is None: |
ap = apartial[:] |
ap[f] = ek0 |
# sum up d**2 to penalize smaller d's more |
sp = sumpartial + d*d |
(a, s) = best_assign_help(vesrest, feasible, ap, sp) |
if s > bestsum: |
bestsum = s |
besta = a |
if besta: |
return (besta, bestsum) |
else: |
# not feasible to assign e0, k0; try to assign rest |
return best_assign_help(vesrest, feasible, apartial, sumpartial) |
def assigned_face(e, assignment): |
(v0, v1), dir = e |
a = assignment[v1] |
for j, ee in enumerate(a): |
if e == ee: |
return j |
return -1 |
def create_wired_mesh(me2, me, thick): |
edges = [] |
vert_edges = {} |
for be in me.edges: |
if be.select and not be.hide: |
e = (be.key[0], be.key[1]) |
edges.append(e) |
for k in (0, 1): |
if e[k] not in vert_edges: |
vert_edges[e[k]] = [] |
vert_edges[e[k]].append((e, k)) |
assignment = find_assignment(me, edges, vert_edges, cube_normals) |
# Create the geometry |
n_idx = {} |
for v in assignment: |
vpos = me.vertices[v] |
index = len(me2.vertices) |
# We need to associate each node with the new geometry |
n_idx[v] = index |
# Geometry for the nodes, each one a cube |
create_cube(me2, vpos, thick) |
# Skin using the new geometry |
cfaces = [] |
for k, f in assignment.items(): |
# Skin the nodes |
for i in range(len(cube_faces)): |
if f[i] is None: |
cfaces.extend(fill_cube_face(me2, n_idx[k], i)) |
else: |
(v0, v1), dir = f[i] |
# only skin between edges in forward direction |
# to avoid making doubles |
if dir == 1: |
# but first make sure other end actually assigned |
i2 = assigned_face(((v0, v1), 0), assignment) |
if i2 == -1: |
cfaces.extend(fill_cube_face(me2, n_idx[k], i)) |
continue |
i2 = assigned_face(((v0, v1), 1), assignment) |
if i2 != -1: |
cfaces.extend(skin_edges(me2, n_idx[v0], n_idx[v1], i, i2)) |
else: |
# assignment failed for this edge |
cfaces.extend(fill_cube_face(me2, n_idx[k], i)) |
# adding faces to the mesh |
me2.faces.add(len(cfaces) // 4) |
me2.faces.foreach_set("vertices_raw", cfaces) |
me2.update(calc_edges=True) |
# panel containing tools |
class VIEW3D_PT_tools_SolidifyWireframe(bpy.types.Panel): |
bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D' |
bl_region_type = 'TOOLS' |
bl_context = "mesh_edit" |
bl_label = "Solidify Wireframe" |
def draw(self, context): |
active_obj = context.active_object |
layout = self.layout |
col = layout.column(align=True) |
col.operator("mesh.solidify_wireframe", text="Solidify") |
col.prop(context.scene, "swThickness") |
col.prop(context.scene, "swSelectNew") |
# a class for your operator |
class SolidifyWireframe(bpy.types.Operator): |
'''Turns the selected edges of a mesh into solid objects''' |
bl_idname = "mesh.solidify_wireframe" |
bl_label = "Solidify Wireframe" |
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} |
def invoke(self, context, event): |
return self.execute(context) |
@classmethod |
def poll(cls, context): |
ob = context.active_object |
return ob and ob.type == 'MESH' |
def execute(self, context): |
# Get the active object |
ob_act = context.active_object |
# getting current edit mode |
currMode = ob_act.mode |
# switching to object mode |
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') |
bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') |
# getting mesh data |
mymesh = ob_act.data |
#getting new mesh |
newmesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(mymesh.name + " wire") |
obj = bpy.data.objects.new(newmesh.name,newmesh) |
obj.location = ob_act.location |
obj.rotation_euler = ob_act.rotation_euler |
obj.scale = ob_act.scale |
context.scene.objects.link(obj) |
create_wired_mesh(newmesh, mymesh, context.scene.swThickness) |
# restoring original editmode if needed |
if context.scene.swSelectNew: |
obj.select = True |
context.scene.objects.active = obj |
else: |
bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode=currMode) |
# returning after everything is done |
return {'FINISHED'} |
# Register the operator |
def solidifyWireframe_menu_func(self, context): |
self.layout.operator(SolidifyWireframe.bl_idname, text="Solidify Wireframe", icon='PLUGIN') |
# Add "Solidify Wireframe" menu to the "Mesh" menu. |
def register(): |
bpy.utils.register_module(__name__) |
bpy.types.Scene.swThickness = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Thickness", |
description="Thickness of the skinned edges", |
default=0.02) |
bpy.types.Scene.swSelectNew = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Select wire", |
description="If checked, the wire object will be selected after creation", |
default=True) |
bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_edit_mesh_edges.append(solidifyWireframe_menu_func) |
# Remove "Solidify Wireframe" menu entry from the "Mesh" menu. |
def unregister(): |
bpy.utils.register_module(__name__) |
del bpy.types.Scene.swThickness |
bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_edit_mesh_edges.remove(solidifyWireframe_menu_func) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
register() |