mirror of https://CODE.RHODECODE.COM/u/O/O/O
committed by
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 0 additions and 488 deletions
Split View
Diff Options
@ -1,488 +0,0 @@ |
import bpy, os |
import numpy as np |
import mathutils |
from mathutils import Vector |
from math import pi |
from bpy.types import ( |
Operator, |
Panel, |
PropertyGroup, |
) |
from bpy.props import ( |
BoolProperty, |
EnumProperty, |
FloatProperty, |
IntProperty, |
StringProperty, |
PointerProperty |
) |
from .utils import * |
def change_speed_mode(self, context): |
props = context.scene.tissue_gcode |
if props.previous_speed_mode != props.speed_mode: |
if props.speed_mode == 'SPEED': |
props.speed = props.feed/60 |
props.speed_vertical = props.feed_vertical/60 |
props.speed_horizontal = props.feed_horizontal/60 |
else: |
props.feed = props.speed*60 |
props.feed_vertical = props.speed_vertical*60 |
props.feed_horizontal = props.speed_horizontal*60 |
props.previous_speed_mode == props.speed_mode |
return |
class tissue_gcode_prop(PropertyGroup): |
last_e : FloatProperty(name="Pull", default=5.0, min=0, soft_max=10) |
path_length : FloatProperty(name="Pull", default=5.0, min=0, soft_max=10) |
folder : StringProperty( |
name="File", default="", subtype='FILE_PATH', |
description = 'Destination folder.\nIf missing, the file folder will be used' |
) |
pull : FloatProperty( |
name="Pull", default=5.0, min=0, soft_max=10, |
description='Pull material before lift' |
) |
push : FloatProperty( |
name="Push", default=5.0, min=0, soft_max=10, |
description='Push material before start extruding' |
) |
dz : FloatProperty( |
name="dz", default=2.0, min=0, soft_max=20, |
description='Z movement for lifting the nozzle before travel' |
) |
flow_mult : FloatProperty( |
name="Flow Mult", default=1.0, min=0, soft_max=3, |
description = 'Flow multiplier.\nUse a single value or a list of values for changing it during the printing path' |
) |
feed : IntProperty( |
name="Feed Rate (F)", default=3600, min=0, soft_max=20000, |
description='Printing speed' |
) |
feed_horizontal : IntProperty( |
name="Feed Horizontal", default=7200, min=0, soft_max=20000, |
description='Travel speed' |
) |
feed_vertical : IntProperty( |
name="Feed Vertical", default=3600, min=0, soft_max=20000, |
description='Lift movements speed' |
) |
speed : IntProperty( |
name="Speed", default=60, min=0, soft_max=100, |
description='Printing speed' |
) |
speed_horizontal : IntProperty( |
name="Travel", default=120, min=0, soft_max=200, |
description='Travel speed' |
) |
speed_vertical : IntProperty( |
name="Z-Lift", default=60, min=0, soft_max=200, |
description='Lift movements speed' |
) |
esteps : FloatProperty( |
name="E Steps/Unit", default=5, min=0, soft_max=100) |
start_code : StringProperty( |
name="Start", default='', description = 'Text block for starting code' |
) |
end_code : StringProperty( |
name="End", default='', description = 'Text block for ending code' |
) |
auto_sort_layers : BoolProperty( |
name="Auto Sort Layers", default=True, |
description = 'Sort layers according to the Z of the median point' |
) |
auto_sort_points : BoolProperty( |
name="Auto Sort Points", default=False, |
description = 'Shift layer points trying to automatically reduce needed travel movements' |
) |
close_all : BoolProperty( |
name="Close Shapes", default=False, |
description = 'Repeat the starting point at the end of the vertices list for each layer' |
) |
nozzle : FloatProperty( |
name="Nozzle", default=0.4, min=0, soft_max=10, |
description='Nozzle diameter' |
) |
layer_height : FloatProperty( |
name="Layer Height", default=0.1, min=0, soft_max=10, |
description = 'Average layer height, needed for a correct extrusion' |
) |
filament : FloatProperty( |
name="Filament (\u03A6)", default=1.75, min=0, soft_max=120, |
description='Filament (or material container) diameter' |
) |
gcode_mode : EnumProperty(items=[ |
("CONT", "Continuous", ""), |
("RETR", "Retraction", "") |
], default='CONT', name="Mode", |
description = 'If retraction is used, then each separated list of vertices\nwill be considered as a different layer' |
) |
speed_mode : EnumProperty(items=[ |
("SPEED", "Speed (mm/s)", ""), |
("FEED", "Feed (mm/min)", "") |
], default='SPEED', name="Speed Mode", |
description = 'Speed control mode', |
update = change_speed_mode |
) |
previous_speed_mode : StringProperty( |
name="previous_speed_mode", default='', description = '' |
) |
retraction_mode : EnumProperty(items=[ |
("FIRMWARE", "Firmware", ""), |
("GCODE", "Gcode", "") |
], default='GCODE', name="Retraction Mode", |
description = 'If firmware retraction is used, then the retraction parameters will be controlled by the printer' |
) |
animate : BoolProperty( |
name="Animate", default=False, |
description = 'Show print progression according to current frame' |
) |
class TISSUE_PT_gcode_exporter(Panel): |
bl_category = "Tissue Gcode" |
bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D" |
bl_region_type = "UI" |
#bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES' |
#bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' |
#bl_context = "data" |
bl_label = "Tissue Gcode Export" |
#bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'} |
@classmethod |
def poll(cls, context): |
try: return context.object.type in ('CURVE','MESH') |
except: return False |
def draw(self, context): |
props = context.scene.tissue_gcode |
#addon = context.user_preferences.addons.get(sverchok.__name__) |
#over_sized_buttons = addon.preferences.over_sized_buttons |
layout = self.layout |
col = layout.column(align=True) |
row = col.row() |
row.prop(props, 'folder', toggle=True, text='') |
col = layout.column(align=True) |
row = col.row() |
row.prop(props, 'gcode_mode', expand=True, toggle=True) |
#col = layout.column(align=True) |
col = layout.column(align=True) |
col.label(text="Extrusion:", icon='MOD_FLUIDSIM') |
#col.prop(self, 'esteps') |
col.prop(props, 'filament') |
col.prop(props, 'nozzle') |
col.prop(props, 'layer_height') |
col.separator() |
col.label(text="Speed (Feed Rate F):", icon='DRIVER') |
col.prop(props, 'speed_mode', text='') |
speed_prefix = 'feed' if props.speed_mode == 'FEED' else 'speed' |
col.prop(props, speed_prefix, text='Print') |
if props.gcode_mode == 'RETR': |
col.prop(props, speed_prefix + '_vertical', text='Z Lift') |
col.prop(props, speed_prefix + '_horizontal', text='Travel') |
col.separator() |
if props.gcode_mode == 'RETR': |
col = layout.column(align=True) |
col.label(text="Retraction Mode:", icon='NOCURVE') |
row = col.row() |
row.prop(props, 'retraction_mode', expand=True, toggle=True) |
if props.retraction_mode == 'GCODE': |
col.separator() |
col.label(text="Retraction:", icon='PREFERENCES') |
col.prop(props, 'pull', text='Retraction') |
col.prop(props, 'dz', text='Z Hop') |
col.prop(props, 'push', text='Preload') |
col.separator() |
#col.label(text="Layers options:", icon='ALIGN_JUSTIFY') |
col.separator() |
col.prop(props, 'auto_sort_layers', text="Sort Layers (Z)") |
col.prop(props, 'auto_sort_points', text="Sort Points (XY)") |
#col.prop(props, 'close_all') |
col.separator() |
col.label(text='Custom Code:', icon='TEXT') |
col.prop_search(props, 'start_code', bpy.data, 'texts') |
col.prop_search(props, 'end_code', bpy.data, 'texts') |
col.separator() |
row = col.row(align=True) |
row.scale_y = 2.0 |
row.operator('scene.tissue_gcode_export') |
#col.separator() |
#col.prop(props, 'animate', icon='TIME') |
class tissue_gcode_export(Operator): |
bl_idname = "scene.tissue_gcode_export" |
bl_label = "Export Gcode" |
bl_description = ("Export selected curve object as Gcode file") |
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'} |
@classmethod |
def poll(cls, context): |
try: |
return context.object.type in ('CURVE', 'MESH') |
except: |
return False |
def execute(self, context): |
scene = context.scene |
props = scene.tissue_gcode |
# manage data |
if props.speed_mode == 'SPEED': |
props.feed = props.speed*60 |
props.feed_vertical = props.speed_vertical*60 |
props.feed_horizontal = props.speed_horizontal*60 |
feed = props.feed |
feed_v = props.feed_vertical |
feed_h = props.feed_horizontal |
layer = props.layer_height |
flow_mult = props.flow_mult |
#if context.object.type != 'CURVE': |
# self.report({'ERROR'}, 'Please select a Curve object') |
# return {'CANCELLED'} |
ob = context.object |
matr = ob.matrix_world |
if ob.type == 'MESH': |
dg = context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() |
mesh = ob.evaluated_get(dg).data |
edges = [list(e.vertices) for e in mesh.edges] |
verts = [v.co for v in mesh.vertices] |
ordered_verts = find_curves(edges, len(mesh.vertices)) |
ob = curve_from_pydata(verts, ordered_verts, name='__temp_curve__', merge_distance=0.1, set_active=False) |
vertices = [[matr @ p.co.xyz for p in s.points] for s in ob.data.splines] |
cyclic_u = [s.use_cyclic_u for s in ob.data.splines] |
if ob.name == '__temp_curve__': bpy.data.objects.remove(ob) |
if len(vertices) == 1: props.gcode_mode = 'CONT' |
export = True |
# open file |
if(export): |
if props.folder == '': |
folder = '//' + os.path.splitext(bpy.path.basename(bpy.context.blend_data.filepath))[0] |
else: |
folder = props.folder |
if '.gcode' not in folder: folder += '.gcode' |
path = bpy.path.abspath(folder) |
file = open(path, 'w') |
try: |
for line in bpy.data.texts[props.start_code].lines: |
file.write(line.body + '\n') |
except: |
pass |
#if props.gcode_mode == 'RETR': |
# sort layers (Z) |
if props.auto_sort_layers: |
sorted_verts = [] |
for curve in vertices: |
# mean z |
listz = [v[2] for v in curve] |
meanz = np.mean(listz) |
# store curve and meanz |
sorted_verts.append((curve, meanz)) |
vertices = [data[0] for data in sorted(sorted_verts, key=lambda height: height[1])] |
# sort vertices (XY) |
if props.auto_sort_points: |
# curves median point |
median_points = [np.mean(verts,axis=0) for verts in vertices] |
# chose starting point for each curve |
for j, curve in enumerate(vertices): |
# for closed curves finds the best starting point |
if cyclic_u[j]: |
# create kd tree |
kd = mathutils.kdtree.KDTree(len(curve)) |
for i, v in enumerate(curve): |
kd.insert(v, i) |
kd.balance() |
if props.gcode_mode == 'RETR': |
if j==0: |
# close to next two curves median point |
co_find = np.mean(median_points[j+1:j+3],axis=0) |
elif j < len(vertices)-1: |
co_find = np.mean([median_points[j-1],median_points[j+1]],axis=0) |
else: |
co_find = np.mean(median_points[j-2:j],axis=0) |
#flow_mult[j] = flow_mult[j][index:]+flow_mult[j][:index] |
#layer[j] = layer[j][index:]+layer[j][:index] |
else: |
if j==0: |
# close to next two curves median point |
co_find = np.mean(median_points[j+1:j+3],axis=0) |
else: |
co_find = vertices[j-1][-1] |
co, index, dist = kd.find(co_find) |
vertices[j] = vertices[j][index:]+vertices[j][:index+1] |
else: |
if j > 0: |
p0 = curve[0] |
p1 = curve[-1] |
last = vertices[j-1][-1] |
d0 = (last-p0).length |
d1 = (last-p1).length |
if d1 < d0: vertices[j].reverse() |
''' |
# close shapes |
if props.close_all: |
for i in range(len(vertices)): |
vertices[i].append(vertices[i][0]) |
#flow_mult[i].append(flow_mult[i][0]) |
#layer[i].append(layer[i][0]) |
''' |
# calc bounding box |
min_corner = np.min(vertices[0],axis=0) |
max_corner = np.max(vertices[0],axis=0) |
for i in range(1,len(vertices)): |
eval_points = vertices[i] + [min_corner] |
min_corner = np.min(eval_points,axis=0) |
eval_points = vertices[i] + [max_corner] |
max_corner = np.max(eval_points,axis=0) |
# initialize variables |
e = 0 |
last_vert = Vector((0,0,0)) |
maxz = 0 |
path_length = 0 |
travel_length = 0 |
printed_verts = [] |
printed_edges = [] |
travel_verts = [] |
travel_edges = [] |
# write movements |
for i in range(len(vertices)): |
curve = vertices[i] |
first_id = len(printed_verts) |
for j in range(len(curve)): |
v = curve[j] |
v_flow_mult = flow_mult#[i][j] |
v_layer = layer#[i][j] |
# record max z |
maxz = np.max((maxz,v[2])) |
#maxz = max(maxz,v[2]) |
# first point of the gcode |
if i == j == 0: |
printed_verts.append(v) |
if(export): |
file.write('G92 E0 \n') |
params = v[:3] + (feed,) |
to_write = 'G1 X{0:.4f} Y{1:.4f} Z{2:.4f} F{3:.0f}\n'.format(*params) |
file.write(to_write) |
else: |
# start after retraction |
if j == 0 and props.gcode_mode == 'RETR': |
if(export): |
params = v[:2] + (maxz+props.dz,) + (feed_h,) |
to_write = 'G1 X{0:.4f} Y{1:.4f} Z{2:.4f} F{3:.0f}\n'.format(*params) |
file.write(to_write) |
params = v[:3] + (feed_v,) |
to_write = 'G1 X{0:.4f} Y{1:.4f} Z{2:.4f} F{3:.0f}\n'.format(*params) |
file.write(to_write) |
to_write = 'G1 F{:.0f}\n'.format(feed) |
file.write(to_write) |
if props.retraction_mode == 'GCODE': |
e += props.push |
file.write( 'G1 E' + format(e, '.4f') + '\n') |
else: |
file.write('G11\n') |
printed_verts.append((v[0], v[1], maxz+props.dz)) |
travel_edges.append((len(printed_verts)-1, len(printed_verts)-2)) |
travel_length += (Vector(printed_verts[-1])-Vector(printed_verts[-2])).length |
printed_verts.append(v) |
travel_edges.append((len(printed_verts)-1, len(printed_verts)-2)) |
travel_length += maxz+props.dz - v[2] |
# regular extrusion |
else: |
printed_verts.append(v) |
v1 = Vector(v) |
v0 = Vector(curve[j-1]) |
dist = (v1-v0).length |
area = v_layer * props.nozzle + pi*(v_layer/2)**2 # rectangle + circle |
cylinder = pi*(props.filament/2)**2 |
flow = area / cylinder * (0 if j == 0 else 1) |
e += dist * v_flow_mult * flow |
params = v[:3] + (e,) |
if(export): |
to_write = 'G1 X{0:.4f} Y{1:.4f} Z{2:.4f} E{3:.4f}\n'.format(*params) |
file.write(to_write) |
path_length += dist |
printed_edges.append([len(printed_verts)-1, len(printed_verts)-2]) |
if props.gcode_mode == 'RETR': |
v0 = Vector(curve[-1]) |
if props.close_all and False: |
#printed_verts.append(v0) |
printed_edges.append([len(printed_verts)-1, first_id]) |
v1 = Vector(curve[0]) |
dist = (v0-v1).length |
area = v_layer * props.nozzle + pi*(v_layer/2)**2 # rectangle + circle |
cylinder = pi*(props.filament/2)**2 |
flow = area / cylinder |
e += dist * v_flow_mult * flow |
params = v1[:3] + (e,) |
if(export): |
to_write = 'G1 X{0:.4f} Y{1:.4f} Z{2:.4f} E{3:.4f}\n'.format(*params) |
file.write(to_write) |
path_length += dist |
v0 = v1 |
if i < len(vertices)-1: |
if(export): |
if props.retraction_mode == 'GCODE': |
e -= props.pull |
file.write('G0 E' + format(e, '.4f') + '\n') |
else: |
file.write('G10\n') |
params = v0[:2] + (maxz+props.dz,) + (feed_v,) |
to_write = 'G1 X{0:.4f} Y{1:.4f} Z{2:.4f} F{3:.0f}\n'.format(*params) |
file.write(to_write) |
printed_verts.append(v0.to_tuple()) |
printed_verts.append((v0.x, v0.y, maxz+props.dz)) |
travel_edges.append((len(printed_verts)-1, len(printed_verts)-2)) |
travel_length += maxz+props.dz - v0.z |
if(export): |
# end code |
try: |
for line in bpy.data.texts[props.end_code].lines: |
file.write(line.body + '\n') |
except: |
pass |
file.close() |
print("Saved gcode to " + path) |
bb = list(min_corner) + list(max_corner) |
info = 'Bounding Box:\n' |
info += '\tmin\tX: {0:.1f}\tY: {1:.1f}\tZ: {2:.1f}\n'.format(*bb) |
info += '\tmax\tX: {3:.1f}\tY: {4:.1f}\tZ: {5:.1f}\n'.format(*bb) |
info += 'Extruded Filament: ' + format(e, '.2f') + '\n' |
info += 'Extruded Volume: ' + format(e*pi*(props.filament/2)**2, '.2f') + '\n' |
info += 'Printed Path Length: ' + format(path_length, '.2f') + '\n' |
info += 'Travel Length: ' + format(travel_length, '.2f') |
''' |
# animate |
if scene.animate: |
scene = bpy.context.scene |
try: |
param = (scene.frame_current - scene.frame_start)/(scene.frame_end - scene.frame_start) |
except: |
param = 1 |
last_vert = max(int(param*len(printed_verts)),1) |
printed_verts = printed_verts[:last_vert] |
printed_edges = [e for e in printed_edges if e[0] < last_vert and e[1] < last_vert] |
travel_edges = [e for e in travel_edges if e[0] < last_vert and e[1] < last_vert] |
''' |
return {'FINISHED'} |