⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀         ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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389 lines
19 KiB

  1. #Isotropix_Serial_Version 1.2
  2. application {
  3. build_number 67813376
  4. }
  5. is_maximized yes
  6. geometry 0 19 1680 1031
  8. recent_file_categories {
  9. }
  10. recent_script_files <empty>
  11. favorites_folders "C:/O/O_XFI_ESIRALC_O_CLARISE_IFX_O/"
  12. viewport_layout {
  13. layout {
  14. name "Animation Workshop"
  15. settings "split_v { ratio 0.022 views { tab { editor \"WidgetTools\" } toolbar_minimized yes } split_v { ratio 0.8 split_h { ratio 0.5 split_v { ratio 0.7 views { tab { editor \"Widget3dView\" } tab { editor \"WidgetImageView\" } selected_tab 0 } views { tab { editor \"WidgetExplorer\" } tab { editor \"WidgetBrowser\" } selected_tab 0 } } split_h { ratio 0.892 views { tab { editor \"WidgetGraphEditor\" } selected_tab 0 } views { tab { editor \"WidgetTimeline\" } selected_tab 0 toolbar_minimized yes } } } views { tab { editor \"WidgetAttributeEditor\" } } } }"
  16. }
  17. layout {
  18. name "Shading Workshop"
  19. settings "split_v { ratio 0.022 views { tab { editor \"WidgetTools\" } toolbar_minimized yes } split_v { ratio 0.8 split_h { ratio 0.5 split_v { ratio 0.6 views { tab { editor \"Widget3dView\" } tab { editor \"WidgetImageView\" } selected_tab 1 } views { tab { editor \"WidgetBrowser\" } tab { editor \"WidgetHierarchyView\" } tab { editor \"WidgetExplorer\" } tab { editor \"WidgetSearch\" } selected_tab 0 } } views { tab { editor \"WidgetMaterialEditor\" } } } split_h { ratio 0.5 views { tab { editor \"WidgetAttributeEditor\" } } views { tab { editor \"WidgetMaterialLinker\" } } } } }"
  20. }
  21. layout {
  22. name "Render Workshop"
  23. settings "split_v { ratio 0.022 views { tab { editor \"WidgetTools\" } toolbar_minimized yes } split_v { ratio 0.8 split_h { ratio 0.946 split_h { ratio 0.7 views { tab { editor \"Widget3dView\" } tab { editor \"WidgetImageView\" } selected_tab 0 } split_v { ratio 0.5 views { tab { editor \"WidgetBrowser\" } tab { editor \"WidgetHierarchyView\" } tab { editor \"WidgetExplorer\" } tab { editor \"WidgetSearch\" } selected_tab 0 } views { tab { editor \"WidgetImageGallery\" } } } } views { tab { editor \"WidgetTimeline\" } toolbar_minimized yes } } split_h { ratio 0.5 views { tab { editor \"WidgetAttributeEditor\" } } split_h { ratio 0.5 views { tab { editor \"WidgetMaterialLinker\" } } views { tab { editor \"WidgetLayerEditor\" } } } } } } }"
  24. }
  25. layout {
  26. name "Scripting Workshop"
  27. settings "split_h { ratio 0.5 view { editor \"WidgetLog\" toolbar_minimized no } view { editor \"WidgetScriptEditor\" toolbar_minimized no } }"
  28. }
  29. layout {
  30. name "Particle Paint Workshop"
  31. settings "split_v { ratio 0.022 views { tab { editor \"WidgetTools\" } toolbar_minimized yes } split_v { ratio 0.21 views { tab { editor \"WidgetToolOptions\" } toolbar_minimized yes } split_v { ratio 0.72 split_h { ratio 0.52 views { tab { editor \"Widget3dView\" } } split_h { ratio 0.12 views { tab { editor \"WidgetTimeline\" } toolbar_minimized yes } views { tab { editor \"WidgetPropertyEditor\" } tab { editor \"WidgetSearch\" } } } } views { tab { editor \"WidgetExplorer\" } } } } }"
  32. }
  33. layout {
  34. name "Td Workshop"
  35. settings "split_v { ratio 0.725 split_h { ratio 0.5 split_v { ratio 0.5 view { editor \"WidgetLog\" toolbar_minimized no } view { editor \"Widget3dView\" toolbar_minimized no } } view { editor \"WidgetScriptEditor\" toolbar_minimized no } } split_h { ratio 0.6 view { editor \"WidgetAttributeEditor\" toolbar_minimized no } view { editor \"WidgetClassExplorer\" toolbar_minimized no } } }"
  36. }
  37. layout {
  38. name "O"
  39. settings " split_h { ratio 0.946 split_h { ratio 0.492485549132948 split_v { ratio 0.352654057352044 views { tab { editor \"WidgetGraphEditor\" settings { viewport_widget { selection_slot \"Local\" use_global yes } } selection_locked no } selected_tab 0 toolbar_minimized no } split_v { ratio 0.5 views { tab { editor \"WidgetImageView\" settings { viewport_widget { selection_slot \"Local\" use_global yes } } selection_locked no evaluation_mode yes } selected_tab 0 toolbar_minimized no } views { tab { editor \"WidgetAttributeEditor\" settings { viewport_widget { selection_slot \"Local\" use_global yes } } selection_locked no } selected_tab 0 toolbar_minimized no } } } split_v { ratio 0.353264185478951 views { tab { editor \"WidgetMaterialEditor\" settings { viewport_widget { selection_slot \"Local\" use_global yes } } selection_locked no } selected_tab 0 toolbar_minimized no } split_v { ratio 0.5 views { tab { editor \"Widget3dView\" settings { viewport_widget { selection_slot \"Local\" use_global yes } } selection_locked no evaluation_mode yes } selected_tab 0 toolbar_minimized no } views { tab { editor \"WidgetExplorer\" settings { viewport_widget { selection_slot \"Local\" use_global yes } } selection_locked no } selected_tab 0 toolbar_minimized no } } } } views { tab { editor \"WidgetTimeline\" settings { viewport_widget { selection_slot \"Local\" use_global yes } } selection_locked no } selected_tab 0 toolbar_minimized yes } }"
  40. }
  41. default_layout_name "O"
  42. }
  43. color_space {
  44. extension "Open EXR" "exr,sxr" "Clarisse|linear"
  45. extension "Jpeg" "jpg,jpeg" "Clarisse|sRGB"
  46. extension "Bitmap" "bmp" "Clarisse|sRGB"
  47. extension "Targa" "tga" "Clarisse|sRGB"
  48. extension "Png" "png" "Clarisse|sRGB"
  49. extension "Tiff" "tif,tiff" "Clarisse|sRGB"
  50. extension "Tx" "tx,tex" "Clarisse|linear"
  51. extension "HDR" "hdr" "Clarisse|linear"
  52. extension "default" "Other" "Clarisse|sRGB"
  53. }
  54. preferences {
  55. categories {
  56. general {
  57. history_size 50
  58. selection_history_size 20
  59. temp_folder "C:/O/O_YRAROPMET_O_TEMPORARY_O"
  61. startup_scene ""
  62. enable_file_logging no
  63. log_file_policy 1
  64. log_file_path ""
  65. specified_log_file ""
  66. default_scripting_engine "ScriptingPython"
  67. max_log_widget_lines_number 200
  68. }
  69. project {
  70. content_directory "C:/PROGRAM FILES/6PS 0.4 XFI ESSIRALC CLARISSE IFX 4.0 SP6/Clarisse"
  71. import_custom_variables 1
  72. import_aovs 1
  73. load_preferences yes
  74. load_user_interface_preferences yes
  75. save_preferences yes
  76. autosave yes
  77. autosave_after_idle 30
  78. force_autosave_after 60
  79. keep_autosave_when_quitting no
  80. }
  81. evaluation {
  82. max_core_count 0
  83. layout_view_refresh_rate 60
  84. rendering_refresh_rate 60
  85. shading_refresh_rate 60
  86. compositing_refresh_rate 60
  87. default_refresh_rate 60
  88. }
  89. rendering {
  90. acceleration_mode 0
  91. displacement_storage_mode 0
  92. motion_blur_sample_count 2
  93. motion_blur_direction 0
  94. motion_blur_length 0.0
  95. previz_light_set 0
  96. use_aov_config_file no
  97. aov_config_file ""
  98. use_resolution_preset_config_file no
  99. resolution_preset_config_file ""
  100. projection_master_eye 2
  101. integrator "IntegratorPathtracer"
  102. embedded_objects {
  103. Generic {
  104. name "builtin_previz_light_set"
  105. #version 0.9
  106. #created 1586517407
  107. #modified 1586517407
  108. embedded_objects {
  109. LightDistant {
  110. name "key"
  111. #version 0.91
  112. #created 1586517410
  113. #modified 1605953883
  114. rotate -25 57 0.0
  115. color 1 1 1
  116. enable_shadows no
  117. }
  118. LightAmbient {
  119. name "ambient"
  120. #version 0.9
  121. #created 1586517410
  122. #modified 1605953883
  123. color {
  124. value[] {
  125. key 0 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.3333 0.0 0.3333 0.0 yes yes no yes
  126. key 0 1 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.3333 0.0 0.3333 0.0 yes yes no yes
  127. }
  128. value[1] {
  129. key 0 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.3333 0.0 0.3333 0.0 yes yes no yes
  130. key 0 1 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.3333 0.0 0.3333 0.0 yes yes no yes
  131. }
  132. value[2] {
  133. key 0 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.3333 0.0 0.3333 0.0 yes yes no yes
  134. key 0 1 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.3333 0.0 0.3333 0.0 yes yes no yes
  135. }
  136. }
  137. }
  138. LightPhysicalDistant {
  139. name "physical_distant"
  140. #version 0.91
  141. #created 1586517410
  142. #modified 1605953883
  143. rotate -35 80 0.0
  144. exposure 1.6
  145. diffuse_max_depth 1
  146. reflections_max_depth 1
  147. shadows_max_depth 0
  148. }
  149. LightPhysicalAmbient {
  150. name "physical_ambient"
  151. #version 0.91
  152. #created 1586517410
  153. #modified 1605953883
  154. exposure -0.8
  155. diffuse_max_depth 1
  156. reflections_max_depth 0
  157. }
  158. LightPhysicalDistant {
  159. name "physical_distant1"
  160. #version 0.91
  161. #created 1586517456
  162. #modified 1605953883
  163. rotate -35 80 0.0
  164. exposure 1.6
  165. diffuse_max_depth 1
  166. reflections_max_depth 1
  167. shadows_max_depth 0
  168. }
  169. LightPhysicalAmbient {
  170. name "physical_ambient1"
  171. #version 0.91
  172. #created 1586517456
  173. #modified 1605953883
  174. exposure -0.8
  175. diffuse_max_depth 1
  176. reflections_max_depth 0
  177. }
  178. }
  179. }
  180. Generic {
  181. name "custom_previz_light_set"
  182. #version 0.9
  183. #created 1586517407
  184. #modified 1586517407
  185. }
  186. Generic {
  187. name "default_material"
  188. #version 0.9
  189. #created 1586517407
  190. #modified 1586517407
  191. embedded_objects {
  192. MaterialDefault {
  193. name "material"
  194. #version 0.9
  195. #created 1586517456
  196. #modified 1586517456
  197. }
  198. }
  199. }
  200. Generic {
  201. name "black_material"
  202. #version 0.9
  203. #created 1586517407
  204. #modified 1586517407
  205. embedded_objects {
  206. MaterialMatte {
  207. name "black_material"
  208. #version 0.91
  209. #created 1586517410
  210. #modified 1586517410
  211. }
  212. }
  213. }
  214. }
  215. }
  216. Input_Output {
  217. stream_texture_cache 4096
  218. OIIO_statistics_log_level 1
  219. output_file_type 0
  220. openEXR_compression_method 1
  221. openEXR_compression_error 0.0
  222. deep_output_file_type 0
  223. deep_output_channels 0
  224. deep_output_raw_samples no
  225. deep_output_data_precision 1
  226. deep_output_max_sample_count 0
  227. enable_output_file_buffering no
  228. output_aovs_in_all_format no
  229. split_aovs_in_separate_files no
  230. disable_rgba_in_output no
  231. use_color_space_mapping_on_save no
  232. }
  233. animation {
  234. frames_per_second 60
  235. start_frame 0.0
  236. end_frame 60
  237. default_key_interpolation_type 4
  238. default_virtual_key_interpolation_type 0
  239. timeline_keyframes_display no
  240. timeline_sub_frames no
  241. }
  242. layout {
  243. parent_in_place yes
  244. combine_pivot_location 0
  245. default_TRS_space 0
  246. default_transform_space 2
  247. link_tools_spaces no
  248. link_pivots yes
  249. translate_snap_increment 1
  250. rotate_snap_increment 15
  251. scale_snap_increment 0.5
  252. snap_distance 16
  253. snap_default_plane 2
  254. }
  255. color_management {
  256. use_ocio_config_file no
  257. ocio_config_file ""
  258. cdl_library_file ""
  259. color_space_mapping_config_file ""
  260. auto_detect_color_space yes
  261. scene_color_space "Use scene_linear"
  262. default_view_transform "Clarisse.linear"
  263. color_picker_color_space "Clarisse|linear"
  264. }
  265. command_port {
  266. enabled no
  267. port 55000
  268. }
  269. alembic {
  270. log_level 0
  271. instance_detection 0
  272. }
  273. openVDB {
  274. use_delayed_load yes
  275. file_size_mode 0
  276. file_max_size 0.0
  277. }
  278. geometry {
  279. subdivision_mode 2
  280. visibility_mode 1
  281. }
  282. user_interface {
  283. color_scheme 0
  284. font_size 1
  285. curve_size 1
  286. gizmo_size 1
  287. file_browser 0
  288. input_device_mode 0
  289. object_ui_color 0
  290. color_tags_file "$CLARISSE_BIN_DIR/color_tags.cfg"
  291. tags_list_file "$CLARISSE_BIN_DIR/config/tag_list_preset.cfg"
  292. max_menu_items_count 16
  293. log_error_window_popup no
  294. delete_confirmation_message 1
  295. input_unit_mode 0
  296. brush_presets_file "$CLARISSE_BIN_DIR/brush_presets.cfg"
  297. sub_menu_show_delay 250
  298. }
  299. scripting {
  300. highlight_words_on_cursor yes
  301. }
  302. image_view {
  303. bilinear_filtering yes
  304. always_compute_full_quality_image yes
  305. overscan_opacity 0.5
  306. snapshot_mode 0
  307. tool_help yes
  308. color_information yes
  309. primitives_statistics yes
  310. zoom yes
  311. color_under_mouse yes
  312. highlight_object_under_mouse yes
  313. current_image_information yes
  314. }
  315. image_history {
  316. image_history_size 10
  317. clear_history_on_new_project no
  318. image_history_autosave no
  319. image_history_cache_path ""
  320. image_history_cache_max_count 100
  321. image_history_cache_max_size 1048576
  322. clear_history_cache_on_exit yes
  323. clear_history_cache_on_new_project no
  324. }
  325. texture_view {
  326. show_uv_grid yes
  327. default_uv_grid_type 0
  328. default_uv_color 1 1 1 1
  329. auto_fit_uv_range no
  330. }
  331. _3d_view {
  332. default_hardware_acceleration_mode 3
  333. tool_help yes
  334. primitives_statistics yes
  335. render_statistics yes
  336. color_information yes
  337. camera_information yes
  338. shading_information yes
  339. current_frame yes
  340. current_and_last_frame yes
  341. scene_timecode yes
  342. project_name yes
  343. frames_per_second yes
  344. }
  345. nodal_view {
  346. smooth_transitions no
  347. node_autozoom no
  348. default_node_state 0
  349. }
  350. OSL {
  351. include_paths "$CLARISSE_BIN_DIR/osl;"
  352. statistics_log_level 10
  353. shader_template "$CLARISSE_BIN_DIR/osl/shader_template.osl"
  354. }
  355. playblast {
  356. frame_range 0
  357. start 0
  358. end 50
  359. step 1
  360. display_size 0
  361. custom_size 720 486
  362. display_HUD yes
  363. shading_mode -1
  364. render_wireframe_overlay no
  365. enable_ambient_occlusion no
  366. ambient_occlusion_sample_count 1
  367. ambient_occlusion_distance -1
  368. refinement_count -1
  369. format "image"
  370. encoding 5
  371. filename "$CTEMP\\blast_#####"
  372. }
  373. units {
  374. units_file "$CLARISSE_BIN_DIR/units.cfg"
  375. time "frame"
  376. distance "metric"
  377. distance_unit "millimeter"
  378. angle "degree"
  379. area "metric"
  380. area_unit "square_meter"
  381. frequency "frames_per_second"
  382. color "float"
  383. scale "multiplier"
  384. }
  385. }
  386. }
  387. ilise_path "C:\\PROGRAM FILES\\6PS 0.4 XFI ESSIRALC CLARISSE IFX 4.0 SP6\\Licensing\\ilise.exe"
  388. floating_license yes
  389. #Preferences_File_Version 3